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    Solutions & Products

    General Cargo Terminal Operation System

    .  Product Description

    GCTOS is a new generation of general bulk business platform developed by Yantai Huadong Electron Technology Co., Ltd.. The product is developed with multi-layer technology architecture, it not only has the characteristics of internationalization, group, automation, and graphic, but also integrates the application of new technologies such as Internet of Things, GIS, and mobile network, the design focuses on reliability, scalability, and support Cloud deployment.

    . Product Features

    1. Multi-layer Architecture: distributed multi-layer architecture.

    2. Cloud Deployment: the database and service layer are deployed in the public cloud or enterprise private cloud.

    3. Standard Model: one central point, two main lines of business, three datums, and four-layer model.

    4. Grouping: Support the unified deployment of the group, one terminal can log in to multiple ports systems.

    5. Automation: IoT device integration, artificial intelligence algorithm application.

    6. Visualization: intuitively track and display production information such as cargos, vessel operation records, loading and unloading progress, machinery, personnel and other production resource positioning; integrated video surveillance; support custom monitoring process; provide visual data viewing interface.

    7. Mobility: for the user needs of the operating layer, management layer, decision-making layer, customer and other levels, the product is designed and developed to create different functional interfaces, which play a platform sharing effect.

    8. Flexibility: users can set their own business rule tree; support user-defined reports.

    9. Maneuverability: dispatching, tally interface, multi-column filtering, intelligent input, secondary cache, face recognition, speech recognition.

    . Product Value

    Escort Safety Production

    The product not only regulates the on-site operation of the terminal, blocks management loopholes, prevents the occurrence of wrong delivery, leakage of delivery, stealing goods, etc., improves the quality and safety of the freight,  also through the on-site personnel, mechanical safety supervision and early warning, video surveillance integration, electronic field Map supervision and other mechanisms to achieve terminal production safety prevention and supervision, and improve terminal production safety.

    Improve Service Quality

    Through the Internet technology to achieve customer online business processing and data sharing services, and through the WeChat platform to interact with customers, improve the comprehensive service level of the terminal.

    Improve Management and Control
    The terminal leadership can control the on-site operation dynamics of the terminal through decision-making board, Geographic Information System (GIS) and intelligent video monitoring, and improve the comprehensive management and control capabilities.

    Promote Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

    The product not only reduces the paper document circulation on operation site, but also realizes the control of the lighting equipment on-site by docking with the i-lighting system, promotes energy saving and emission reduction by shortening the transportation distance through the mechanical path planning, helps the construction of green port.

    Increase Productivity

    On the one hand, the product realizes inter-departmental business collaboration and interconnection through data sharing to improve the synergy efficiency of production business; on the other hand, the product uses Mobile Internet, Internet of Things and other technologies to realize the mobile office on-site and the rapid collection of operation site data, to improve overall operational efficiency of the terminal.

    Help Strategy Implementation
    As the most comprehensive expert in terminal information business solutions in the industry, the product has comprehensively considered the requirements of internationalization and group integration at the beginning of design, which can easily help enterprises to build integrated platform solutions for bulk cargo business and improve enterprise resource integration, implementation of globalization strategies, etc.
